Vitamin D is essential for sleep but can you absorb it with sunscreen on?

My last blog stated how important Vitamin D was for sleep. And like all other parents, I was thinking “great information but it has been drilled into our heads to apply and reapply sunscreen. Will they even absorb any Vitamin D”?


I will be honest I did not get the cut and dry answer I was hoping for after reading dozens of research articles and government website. The consensus was that YES wearing sunscreen could possibly result in Vitamin D deficiency. However, it usually doesn’t have a huge effect because people do not apply sunscreen correctly!  


With everything in healthcare, we need to assess the risk vs benefit. Since skin cancer can only be prevented by covering up and wearing sunscreen. We have more control over Vitamin D levels which can be monitored (depends on your province if you need to pay for a level) as well as absorbs orally. We can get Vit D in foods we eat that either contain it naturally or are fortified with it. We can also take supplements.  


So here are some signs of Vitamin D deficiency (yes, they are a bit vague):

•       Lethargy

•       Irritability

•       Muscle weakness

•       Growth failure

•       Frequent Respiratory Illnesses

•       Rickets

•       Bone fractures


Here are some foods rich in Vitamin D. Canadian law mandates that liquid milk products and margarine be fortified with Vitamin D.  

•       Trout

•       Salmon

•       Fortified milk

•       Some egg yolks


Vitamin D is vital to growing healthy children for bone health, immunity, mood and sleep. Talk to your doctor about getting your children’s levels checked if you have concerns and ask if you need to give them supplements. Better yet, put on sunscreen, go fishing and grill some salmon! That sounds Vitamin Delicious.



Summer and Sleep; Vitamin D